Thursday, January 30, 2014


Mrs. Wiwin gave us a task to post a script of drama that we had been done. My group chose the story of The Princess and The Pea to be played. The Princess and The Pea was written by Hans Christian Andersen. Let's read the script! Check this out!

Once upon a time there was a prince who lived in a rich kingdom with his father and mother, the king and queen. One day the queen decided that the time had come for the prince to find a bride. But the prince did not want to marry just any girl – he wanted to marry a real princess. The prince packed a bag and left the palace on a long, long journey all around the world, in search of his real princess.

QUEEN : "Son, you should find yourself a princess. You’re already at the age of marriage, this is the time for you to find your true love."

KING : "Mother and I have already discussed this and we both agreed that you should find yourself a lovely princess to be your bride."

PRINCE : "Yes I will, Mother, Father, I’ll be going to search all over the country. I want a real princess, I’ll be going tomorrow at dawn. Wish me luck."

On his travels, the prince met lots of young ladies and asked  each of them the same question.

PRINCE : "Are you a real princess?"

1st GIRL : (Shouting in a bolshie manner) "Yes, I am a real princess! Marry me prince! HAHAHIHIHIHI"

The prince looks at her, thinks for a moment, shakes his head, then moves onto the next girl.

PRINCE : (To the second girl) "Are you a real princess?"

2nd GIRL : (Mumbling into her chest) "Yes, I am a real princess can’t you see huh handsome? Marry me!"

The prince shakes his head again. Another girl pushes to the front.

3rd GIRL : (Shouting) "Me next, me next!! I’m a real princess! I can prove it! Marry me!"

The prince looks at her and sighs, then moves to the fourth girl, who has a hand mirror and is touching up her lipstick.

PRINCE : "Are you a real princess?"

4th GIRL : (Adjusting her already beautiful hair and thinking a lot of herself) "Yes, I am a real princess. I have all the beauty that a woman should have to be called a princess. Marry me!"

The prince shakes his head and approaches the fifth girl.

PRINCE : "Are you a real princess?"

5th GIRL : "Ah, ah, ah-choo! (She sneezes without a hanky then wipes her nose on her sleeve) Yes, I am a real princess.  AA-CHOOH! *snork snork* Marry m….AAH CHOOH!"

PRINCE : "Oh dear!" *hands her his handkerchief*

The prince met many beautiful girls who said that they were princesses, but there was always something not quite right about them. He was very disappointed. After many weeks and months of searching he eventually returned home to the palace, sad and weary.

*Meanwhile in the other Kingdom*

EVIL KING : "Our kingdom is ruined. UGH! This is all because of you my dear ugly daughter. You’re such a pain to me I shall never see your face again!"

REAL PRINCESS : "But… Father:( *sob* What did I do wrong?:( Is it because of mo…"

EVIL KING : "SILENCE! Don’t you dare talked to me again, I shall banished you from this kingdom. You may leave! JUST GO AWAY AND NEVER RETURN!"

REAL PRINCESS : "Father please:’(" *sobs, running away from the kingdom, scared*

The princess from the Kingdom ran away from the Kingdom and with a broken heart she tried to not returned to where she belonged and kept on running and running away until she saw a castle…

*at the First Castle*

Days passed and then one night there was a terrible storm. The lightning flashed overhead, lighting up the whole sky; the thunder roared and heavy torrents of rain poured down.

Through the noise of the storm, the prince, the queen and the king could hear a knocking at the palace door. It got louder and louder. The old king grumbled:

KING : "Urgh, just as I was going to bed! Who’s this nuts who came in the middle of the night! Guards open the door!"

The king went to open the door with his guards. Outside was a bedraggled girl. She was a terrible sight. Her hair was soaked, water ran down her wet clothes and her shoes were very muddy. The king wondered who this untidy person could be.

GUARD : "Um sir you have to take a look at this."

KING : "Who are you?"

GUARD : "Becareful sir, she could be one of the spies."

REAL PRINCESS : "I am a princess. I’m lost and I want to get warm."

QUEEN : (Folding arms and looking suspicious, says to herself) "A princess? How could it be possible?"

PRINCE : (Looking intrigued) "A princess?"

QUEEN : "Would you like a cup of tea to warm you up?"

REAL PRINCESS : (Curtseys to the queen) "Oh, yes please Ma’am."

A servant brings some tea and cookies.

SERVANT : "Here is your tea."

SERVANT : "Here is the cookies."

REAL PRINCESS : "Thank you very much. How kind!"

The prince thought that the girl was very polite. He could see that she had kind eyes too. But the queen still wasn’t sure that this was a real princess. She decided that there was only one way to find out. She invited the young girl to stay the night, then she quickly went ahead to the guest bedroom.

QUEEN : "We’ll soon find out if she’s a real princess!"

The queen took all the bedding off the bed. Then she took a tiny pea from her pocket and put it onto the bare bedstead. Next, she got twenty mattresses and piled them up on top of the pea, then she took twenty feather quilts and laid them on top of the mattresses. The girl was shown to her bedroom and she climbed up onto the top of the bed.

As the night went on, the queen wondered about the girl and, as it happened, the princess was not sleeping well at all. She could feel something uncomfortable in the bed and by morning was black and blue!

The next morning, the queen went to see the princess to ask how she had slept.

QUEEN : "Did you sleep well my dear?"

PRINCESS : "I’m afraid not. There was something hard in the bed!"

The princess had hardly slept a wink. The queen rushed to tell the prince and the king.

QUEEN : "She is a real princess!"

The king, queen and prince knew that she must be a real princess. Only a true princess could have skin so delicate that she could feel a tiny pea through twenty mattresses and twenty quilts.

The prince was overjoyed. He knew that this girl was special and that he had finally found his real princess. He married her immediately in a wonderful ceremony and the bells rang for days. Everyone in the whole land celebrated and the prince and princess lived happily together for ever after.

As for the pea, it was placed in a museum where it can still be seen today.

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